Little feline Talinsker has arrived to revolutionize how we see cryptocurrencies. The new mascot brings a different look with the aim of being a quality, safe and easily accessible product for all interested people.
Our big difference is in the grouping of people from all over the world in the acquisition of goods and limited stock, allowing your investments to have market coverage and you to choose to enjoy the benefits. If you are interested, join the cult in our telegram.
We want to present the new revolution in the field of currencies and will soon be launching new services such as:
Talinsker Plush: New plush collectibles with a variety of colors and ideas sooner will be launch. We are very happy with the success of our currency, the project that we will launch in 2025 will be a line of plush toys in conjunction with the main extreme quality plush factory. Talinsker plushies will win many fans of our products, we are investing $2 million in the plush project. Stay tuned on our networks as the future will be full of news.
Collectible playing cards will be launched at the end of this year with a project financed by the main betting houses today. We are in full swing for another investment in the rare collectible cards market.